Lang Future Family..5 years of infertility

Grand chain, IL (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Lang Future Family..5 years of infertility

by Kortney Lang

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Grand chain, IL (US)

Kortney Lang is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

We are Andrew and Kortney. We met my senior year of high school in 2009. We dated for 6 years before getting engaged and then in 2017 we got married. We tried to get pregnant our first year! Our family is so full of children on both sides that we thought it would be simple. A year went by with nothing.

I brought it up to my OBGYN and they said to try ovulation tests and charting for a few months, so I did…for another year. When nothing happened I brought it up to my doctor again and she never suggested a further step, no testing, anything. I felt lost and hurt. On my annual visit in 2019 I brought up infertility testing and she immediately cut off the conversation and told me if I wanted to talk about that she would have to send me to her other office and it would be $250 in cash that day just to talking about testing. I was shattered…$250 just to explore testing options and see what we could possibly try. That was no testing, nothing.

In 2021 we were not ready to give up and I found a new OB/GYN. She had me start like the last with ovulation testing and charting…but she also ordered blood work and a trans vaginal ultrasound!! We were excited…progress!! At this point I was talking to our job and looking into our insurance…we work in Kentucky.


Another blow. But that’s okay, we want a family and we figured out a way to pay by using a TASC card that gets deducted from our check monthly.

Back to the tests. Bloodwork came back okay and according to this OB/GYN the ultrasound was okay also. After my visit I never heard back from them even after multiple calls and texts trying to figure out our next step. We were let down yet again. But we kept trying.

In 2022 I decided to push as hard as I could and started making calls. I doctor in our area that was supposed to be the best here without driving 2 hours away. I made the appointment, it was 3 weeks out, and we waited. I received a call 2 days before the appointment pushing it out another 3 weeks. It hurt and I began crying at work. I felt defeated at this point but said okay because we want a family and if we had to wait we would. However, I made another call.

I called an office about an hour from where we live and explained to them our situation. They got me in the next day! I went in and took all my previous labs. While there she looked at the ultrasound results combined with my A1C and diagnosed me with PCOS. The last doctor either overlooked my ultrasound or didn’t want to deal with it. We scheduled a HSG test and my husband a sperm analysis. Both tests came back clear and I was prescribed Metformin.

Now is where we need help. We have paid out of pocket for everything so far… and we all know it’s not cheap. Now we need help. We are looking at starting IUI and the medicine alone is expensive without insurance coverage. We are ready to start our journey as parents.